Saturday, September 30, 2006

What do you call it when you go to one page, that takes you to other pages and you just follow this random path till you come across something really cool? "Web Surfing" just doesn't seem to cut it

Went to from my brother Rob's blog, and ended up on his pastor's blog, where I found this.

There have been moments in the life of Living Hope where we didn't plan and couldn't possibly anticipate what God would do during the weekend services. This was defintely one of those weekends. I am speechless how much God loves and accepts me. The God that knows me the best loves me the most. That is a pretty cool thought. The one statement that was birthed during the weekend was radical acceptance leads to radical life change...always. I am a product of that statement as are hundreds of people at Living Hope. We are a collective story of grace.

Thank you to each person willing to be vulnerable to get up on the stage, walk out and sit for thousands to see and drop a rock at your feet. Thank you and God bless each of you. The healing that happened as a result of your transparency was indescribable.


Never give up!


John's blog at Living Hope Church

I really really like what I have seen coming from this church. I am becoming more and more convinced that true authenticity, partnered with the power of a Living God, is the best way to have an impact in our sceptical culture. No Rocks, No masks, just real love from a real God.

the recovering cynic,

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